ClearChart® 3P Polarized Digital Acuity System
This product has been discontinued and is no longer available for sale. Parts and service may still be available. Contact Reichert Technical Support at 1-888-849-8955 (toll-free in US and Canada), 716-686-4500 or complete the contact form to obtain additional information. The User Guide is available for download in the "Instructions" tab below.
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ClearChart 3P has a simple, clean design that is not distracting to patients and will keep them focused on the test charts displayed. Chart and optotype selections are extensive, and can be easily accessed with the infrared remote provided, or through the Reichert Phoroptor VRx, Reichert Auto Phoroptor RS, Visutron 900+, or Visutron 900 Touch. Optotypes can be easily randomized, and increased or decreased in size through either interface.
Optotype Selection:
- 17 Letter Set, 8 Letter Set, Sloan, Landolt C, Landolt C O, Numbers, Tumbling E, Cyrillic
- Children's Optotypes: Osterberg, Pigassou (with key card), Kolt-Like Symbols, Sheridan Gardiner letters (with key card), Lower Case Letters, Allen Symbols, Other Children's Images
- Decimal, Snellen or Metric notation can be selected
- Standard and Logmar progressions are available
- Astigmatic Tests: Cross Cylinder Dot Test, Astigmatic Dial with Numbers, Astigmatic Dial with Lines, Astigmatic T
- Fusion and Phoria Test Charts: Fixation Dot, Fixation Dot with Lines, Aniseikonia, Mallet, Maddox Light
- Binocular Balance Charts: Schober, Red/Green filters for optotypes, Red/Green Chart, Polarized Chart with lines of decreasing size numbers, Polarized Red/Green
- Complete MKH chart sequence for Phoria and Stereopsis testing
- Suppression Tests: Worth 4 and Red/Green letters
- Crowding Bars
- Contrast Sensitivity Testing: Sine Wave Grating with 5 frequency levels, adjustable contrast and image angle, and the ability to plot or download data points
- ETDRS Test Charts
- Color Vision Test Charts
- Children’s video
- Educational images
- Ability to add custom videos or images as desired
- Catalog Number:
13780AG Logmar/Decimal Remote Control
13780DL Linear/Decimal Remote Control
13780SE Snellen/Standard Remote Control - Display: 24 in. LED backlit LCD (1920x1080 Pixels)
- Max Illumination: 220 cd/m2
- Photopic Illumination: 85 cd/m2
- Mesopic Illumination: 3 cd/m2
- Dimensions:
Height: 38.8 cm (14.9 in.)
Width: 60.5 cm (23.8 in.)
Depth: 7.7 cm (3.1 in.) - Weight: (unpacked) 5.3 kg (11.6 lbs.)
- Electrical: 100-240 V, AC 50/60 Hz
- Power Usage: 50 VA
- Refraction Range: 1.83 m (6 ft) - 7.5 m (24.6 ft)